
PGCC에서 배우는 학과목 리스트   08-04-07
PGCC   5,622
글제목 : PGCC에서 배우는 학과목 리스트
이  름 : PGCC 
글쓴날 : 2008/04/07 13:47:34
◎ Current Curriculum
Area No. First Semester Hours Units
Bus 103 Introduction to Business 45 3
PGM 150 Golf Shop Operations I 30 3
Bus 157 Principles of Salesmanship 30 2
Psy 106 Psychology I 30 2
PE 121 Techniques of Golf Teaching I 30 2
PE 112 Fitness for Golf 15 1
PE 136 Rules of Golf 30 2
Art 101 Calligraphy 30 1
Bus 103 Introduction to Business 45 3
Semester Totals 300 17

Area No. Second Semester Hours Units
PGM 151 Golf Shop Operations II 30 2
PGM 157 Turf Management 30 2
PGM 158 Principles of Design, Club Fitting & Repair 60 3
PE 122 Techniques of Golf Teaching II 30 2
PE 140 Organization of Golf Tournaments 30 2
Psy 108 Psychology II 30 2
Sci 138 Health Science 30 2
PE 142B Tournament Golf 60 2
Semester Totals 300 17

Area No. Third Semester Hours Units
Psy 115 Psychology of Golf 30 2
PE 123 Techniques of Golf Teaching III 30 2
Eng 101 Written Communications 30 2
PGM 152 Golf Shop Operations III 30 2
PGM 156 Golf Course Development & Design 30 2
Psy 110 Psychology III 30 2
PGM 159 Career Planning & Placement 30 2
Bus 167 Human Resource Management 30 2
PE 143 Clinic Planning 30 2
PE 142C Tournament Golf 60 2
Semester Totals 330 20

Area No. Fourth Semester Hours Units
Psy 120 Leadership 30 2
PE 150 History of Golf 30 2
PGM 153 Country Club Management 30 2
Eng 102 Oral Communications 30 2
DP 115 Word Processing 30 2
PE 124 Techniques of Golf Teaching IV 30 2
Bus 169 Business Law 30 2
PGM 160 Golf Industry Opportunities 30 2
PE 142D Tournament Golf 60 2
Semester Totals 300 18
Grand Totals 1230 72

M1-->> F1 비자 변경 안내 
테메큘라 인근 25개 초등학교 리스트 
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