
LPGA 자격요건   07-11-05
PGCC   5,622
글쓴날 : 2007/11/05 16:45:54
1. PGM 코스 수강이전 1년 이내에 최소 6개월 이상 PGA 멤버가 있는 곳에 고용되어 있을것

2. 아마츄어 시합 출전 경력

3. PAT 패스

4. PRO 관련 서류 제출

5. Level 1 kit 구입

6. Level 1 시작 후 2년 이내에 Level 1 완료, Level 1 시작 후 4년 이내에 Level 2 체크포인트 완료, Level 1 시작 후 6년 이내에 Level 3 체크포인트 완료, Level 1 시작 후 8년 이내에 PGM 수료자

7. 고교 졸업 증명서 및 2년제 이상 대학 성적증명서, 등록 당시 18세 이상

8. 미국 시민권자 이거나 등록된 외국인

9. 36개월 이상 근무 경력 (4년제 대학 12학점 수여, 2년제 대학 6학점 수여)
- 아마츄어 시합전 근무경력 무효

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Professional Readiness Orientation (PR0)

Mission of the PGA Professional Golf Management Program
The PGA Professional Golf Management Program provides world-class training for aspiring golf professionals by offering skill-based training programs that provide state-of-the-art skills and knowledge. Graduates of this program will become outstanding golf professionals who provide exceptional service to their customers, employers, fellow professionals and the game of golf.

In order to become a PGA member, you will need to become a registered apprentice and go through the PGA Professional Golf Management (PGA/PGM)TM Program. In order to register into the PGA/PGMTM Program, you must:

Meet the Eligible Employment requirements described below.
Eligible Employment

Individuals shall be eligibly employed in one of the following classifications.
You must be eligibly employed at the time of registration and for six months within the 12 months prior to registration.
Participation in an amateur event will forfeit all work experience credits earned prior to the event.

Satisfy the PAT requirement. For information click here.
An apprentice registration form verifying employment and documenting your review of the Professional Readiness Orientation (PRO) must be signed and submitted by you.
In order to become a registered PGA apprentice, you will pay all apprentice fees for National and your Section and will purchase the Level 1 Kit. Click here to access our Fees Calculator.
When step 4 above is completed, you are a registered PGA apprentice.
Acceptable Progress is defined by successful completion of each Level's Checkpoint. In order to remain in good standing, the Level 1 Checkpoint must be successfully completed within two years of the Level 1 start date, the Level 2 Checkpoint must be successfully completed within four years of the Level 1 start date and the Level 3 Checkpoint must be successfully completed within six years of the Level 1 start date. Apprentices have eight years from their Level 1 start date to graduate from the PGA PGM Program and get elected to membership.
Have a high school diploma or be at least 18 years of age and have the equivalent of a high school education. You are eligible for educational credits toward PGA membership with a college degree.
An individual must be either a U.S. Citizen or resident alien.
A total of 36 work experience credits must be earned in addition to fulfilling the PGA/PGMTM Program. (One credit per month while eligibly employed full time.) 12 credits are awarded for a four year college degree and six credits for a two year college degree.
Amateur Status: Work experience earned prior to participating in an amateur event will be forfeited.

If you have any questions concerning this information or requirements to become a PGA member, call MISC at (800) 474-2776.
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